Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
Marijuana Law for California Residential Landlords
Jamie Sternberg, Esq., Jessica Weisman, Esq., and Lynn Dover, Esq.
January, 2017
Proposition 64 legalized recreational use of mariju
ana in California. Under the new law, (codified
in California Health and Safety Code
11362 et seq.), people 21 years of age and older ma
possess, process, transport, purchase, obtain or gi
ve away (without compensation) up to 28.5
grams of non-concentrated cannabis and up to 8 gram
s of concentrated cannabis and possess,
plant, cultivate, harvest, dry or process up to 6 l
iving plants. Under the law, cannabis (including
the living plants), may be stored within a person’s
private residence, or on the private grounds of
a private residence, in a locked space which is not
visible from a public place by normal unaided
vision. Private residences include single family re
sidences as well as multi-family properties.
Additional limitations apply as specified within th
e law.
In response to the passage of Proposition 64, sever
al cities are adopting and/or considering
local certain bans on recreational marijuana. Propo
sition 64 allows cities to pass ordinances
banning marijuana businesses from operating in the
city and banning outdoor cultivation of
marijuana (even for personal use).
Marijuana possession, distribution, and use, regard
less of purpose, remains illegal under
Federal law (Controlled Substances Act (U.S.C. titl
e 21).
While the full impact this new law will have on lan
dlords and residential properties remains to be
seen, marijuana use in residential properties will
increase, which will create challenges for
landlords. In response, landlords may choose to pr
ohibit marijuana smoking and cultivation.
However, landlords who choose to prohibit marijuana
smoking and cultivation should expect to
continue to encounter issues with residents claimin
g they need to smoke or cultivate marijuana
for medical purposes, which raises issues relative
to disability-related accommodations.
Proposition 64 did not change California’s medical
marijuana laws. (For information about
reasonable accommodation requests related to medica
l marijuana, contact Kimball, Tirey & St.
John’s Fair Housing Department at
Under Civil Code § 1940.10, tenants in single famil
y homes and duplexes have the right to
engage in “personal agriculture” in portable contai
ners approved by the landlord in the tenant’s
“private area”, if certain conditions are met. Simi
larly, homeowner’s associations may not restrict
“personal agriculture” under Civil Code §4750. Howe
ver, because Civil Code §1940.10(a)(3)
specifically excludes marijuana (and any other unla
wful crops or substances), they do not
prevent landlords from prohibiting marijuana.
Action Items:
Properties with no-smoking provisions should revie
w their lease to ensure their
provisions will allow landlords to prohibit or cont
rol marijuana use, as well as tobacco
and e-cigarettes. (Many smoke free provisions do no
t address marijuana or e-
Properties that do not currently prohibit smoking,
may want to consider going smoke
free, or prohibit marijuana smoking.
Landlords may wish to add provisions to their leas
es prohibiting marijuana plants.
For assistance with lease provisions or notices of
change of terms of tenancies to address these
issues, contact Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP attor
ney Jamie Sternberg at
or (619)744-0863.
Landlords who don’t already have procedures and po
licies to address smoking
complaints (marijuana or otherwise) should consider
creating them. For assistance,
contact Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP attorney Alej
andra Mendez at
or (619)231-1422.
Text of Applicable Laws:
Information from the California Secretary of State
regarding Proposition 64 is available at
The text of California Civil Code 4750 is available a:
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP is a full service real estate law firm representing residential and commercial property owners and managers. This article is for general information purposes only. Laws may have changed since this article was published. Before acting, be sure to receive legal advice from our office. If you have questions, please contact your local KTS office. For contact information, please visit our For past Legal Alerts, Questions & Answers, and Legal Articles, please consult the resource section of our website.© 2017 Kimball, Tirey and St. John LLP